You Give Me Hope

You are beautiful whoever you are and if you can’t see it, we’re really good at knowing where to look. 


As we celebrate Pride this month and reflect on so many brave and sparkling voices in our LGBTQ community, let us invite you to be good to yourself. Let’s all try to practice some self care and gentleness towards ourselves and those we do not understand. Everyone deserves love and respect.

We, at Annastasia Salon, support a future that fosters more education, more openness, more actionable steps towards walking the walk, and more general kindness. Look around and see how beautiful everyone is. Your individuality is your gift. We celebrate you. 

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Hair Care Habits

Tips and Tricks From Sophie Do you want luxurious hair? Are you looking for hair that is truly healthy and oozing “living my best life”

Associate Program

Associate Program

THE DIRECTOR OF STYLIST RECRUITMENT TALKS ABOUT ANNASTASIA SALON’S BOOMING ASSOCIATE PROGRAM by Lindsey Smith I interviewed Caitlin Layton, the Director of Stylist Recruitment and Hiring