Your hair is a remarkable part of your identity, expressing your unique style and personality. However, at times, we unknowingly engage in habits that can wreak havoc on our locks. Furthermore, these detrimental practices often lead to damaged hair and increased frustration. In this blog, brought to you by...
Heat Protectant: Your bodyguard during Summer in Portland
Summer in Portland, brings sunny days, outdoor adventures, and vibrant energy. However, rising temperatures can take a toll on your hair, making it vulnerable to damage. As the best hair salon in Portland, we understand the importance of protecting your hair during the scorching months. In this blog, we'll delve...
Retail Delivery Now Available! And 10% off till we open again! You can now buy retail from Annastasia Salon right from your comfy couch and it will be delivered in 5 - 7 business days! has got you covered! Root Sprays? Duh! Water Color shampoo's as Toner? OBVI! We are...